What is Imposter Syndrome?

Above the Horizon imposter syndrome coaching

I have done a lot of work on myself, and it has taken me YEARS to reach a point where I can honestly marvel at my peers and acknowledge their excellence without immediately feeling inadequate.

By definition, it is the pervasive thought that you aren’t worthy of your title and accolades. By all accounts, the name of the syndrome is self-explanatory.

For me, it has been a bit different.

I definitely never felt as though I didn’t deserve my MD. I worked really hard for it, and I definitely feel as though I am deserving of the title. I am so proud of that accomplishment.

For me, it felt more like I just didn’t belong or wasn’t good enough. When compared to my peers, I felt as though I just didn’t cut it. The feeling still creeps up sometimes.

I have done a lot of work on myself, and it has taken me YEARS to reach a point where I can honestly marvel at my peers and acknowledge their excellence without immediately feeling inadequate.

When a colleague of mine shines now, I think, “Man, they are smart. I could learn a thing or two here”… and then I do.

Let me take you back to when I wouldn’t do that.

In the past, in the same situation, I would simply think, “Man, they are smart. I am so stupid. I shouldn’t even be practicing medicine. I will never be that good. I will never be good enough.”

Let me also take a minute to add here that, so far, their haven’t been any occurrences that would suggest I am not a good physician. No one has pulled me aside to tell me anything that would suggest that. In the past, I would simply think everyone is just being polite. I know the truth, and the truth in my eyes wasn’t pretty.

That thought pattern was exhausting. Not to mention completely useless and untrue.

The limiting beliefs that I had about myself were monumental.

Now that I have learned to see this thought pattern as pathological, I can stop it in its tracks. It doesn’t serve me, and if I continue to keep thinking that way, I would not grow.

I remember thinking to myself that if I ever learn how to feel better about myself, I will teach it to everyone and anyone that wants to hear me out.

You are not alone. We all feel like a ding dong sometimes, but if this is a pervasive thought pattern of yours, please reach out. I can walk with you to the other side.


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